Sunday, February 12, 2012

Don't know what to call it...

I was in a free fall,
Letting go was easy,
The deeper I went,
The happier I felt.

Uncertain of the depth,
I tried being ignorant.
Soon I hit the surface
which gave me the distinct scars

Am scared of falls
Don't want to ever close my eyes
Being ignorant wasn't a wise choice
But then what is being wise?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Letting you go!

An illusion so shallow
A truth so difficult
Secret that's hard to swallow
what if i let it go

Truth might hurt, no-one else than me
Secret might trap me into a dark deep hole
Given my luck at this,
why don't i let it go?

You are no ordinary
You are no idiot
No words can describe this
I can't let you go

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mind or Heart ???

In a lonely place, with an empty bank account with a broken heart, he sat and wondered, whats the strongest thing in the world, love, money or faith? Truthfulness or social status? Mind and heart say different things, both still unsure, afraid of destiny or maybe one's own capability. Does anyone around know, can anyone help him figure out why you never get what you want at the right time and by the time you get it, why is it, that you have worked so hard, that even a small piece of cake tastes like tons of chocolate!