Saturday, November 26, 2011

Woman and Rights

People have varying opinions on how woman's rights have evolved. They have become powerful but why do I still feel it is just exaggerated. Why does the ordinary become the "extraordinary" when it has to do with women. You hear about stories of women in police, in men-dominated sports , almost all of us start feeling proud of them. But, if women are equals or dominate the society, why is it that this is still happening? More than that, given the different genetic make of women, what is the definition of equal. Does it mean equal work, well, can it be this way? If it is just respect, why is it that there is a blind fight. Maybe it is because we all come from the world where the only game is "turning tables"

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I often wonder at how one can define faith. One simple word but turns your world upside down. Makes you want to believe, put you on the track, be cynic, make a wonderful future, forget past but does it really does all this?
Why is it that something meant for peace has actually caused wars, something meant for faith has led to ill-faith, no answers to it. I keep on my quest to know what it means, if not anything it would make me disbelieve faith. But faith is what helped me be what I am. How can I change that? Let me muse at it and I'll be right back...